Hey you!

If you are tired of exercises and diets and are bored of your typical movement classes (you feel like something is missing) and would like to change your body through the joy of movement and have a deeper connection to your intuition & the Universe… this is for you


Each month receive new tools to:

Regulate your nervous system

Use movement to shift pain to pleasure & embody sensualness.

Clear stuck emotions using sound & embodiment practices.

Receive Spirit guidance.

You’ve tried the exercise regimes and diets and you still can’t seem to change your body.

You’ve done the therapy and healing work but you still get triggered.

You are tired of the physical and/or emotional pain and stress you are carrying in your body.

You know you could be accessing something so much more deeper and magical with your body and you are not…

You feel some exercise classes (maybe even yoga) are still not quite allowing your body to come alive in the way you know it could….

You are realizing how powerful movement is in not only moving trauma out of your body but also in having increased creativity, sensualness and joy.

This is for Women who desire to HAVE:

Pleasure over Pain
Joy over suffering
Creativity over stagnation
Sensualness over shame

The Dance to Oneness Movement Membership
 will cover topics like:

Moving Pain to Pleasure

Embodiment practices to shift your energy in just 30 minutes.

TRUSTING YOU WITH MONEY: Teaching your nervous system and body to enjoy having money..

Changing your financial blueprint (money is for your body, can you embody the energy of money?)

Learn to regulate your NERVOUS SYSTEM (shift from anxious to peaceful) using sound and movement.

Embodying sensualness

Embodying the power of the FEMININE and transmuting shame to pleasure.

Meditations and sound journeys that allow you to release trauma held in the body and connect with spirit/source/universe.

Spirit guidance (when you get out of your head and into your body through movement, you connect with a deeper spirit guidance)

So, now is the time for you to choose, will you take the action that allows your body to MOVE
 and change?

I know you feel heavy and tired and you just want to rest. Have you considered movement WILL give you more energy than sitting in the heaviness you feel.

When I first started attending movement classes, my head would tell me ‘’don’t go, you are too tired.’’ I knew not to listen to my head so I would go to the movement class. 10 minutes into the class, I would be FLOWING around the room and have so much energy and lightness.

Underneath that tiredness & heaviness is SO much ENERGY. When plagued by heaviness or unable to get the energy of fulfillment & purpose in the world, the first thing the Shaman will ask you is “When did you last dance?” hen energy becomes stagnant, we struggle.

Movement that allows energy to circulate is movement that includes your body, mind and spirit.

You can’t afford not to move. If you are not moving, you are not changing.

I know you are busy, I know you don’t have the time. That’s why I also include a 30 minute class in this membership. YOU will be so AMAZED to experience how 30 minutes of movement can completely
transform your body and energy!

Join the Waitlist for Movement Membership

Movement Membership Details

2 x Live Zoom Classes a month (replays of video and audios added to your library if you can’t be on live)

75 minutes Movement Class (50 minutes movement followed by 20 minutes of sound healing journey where you get to just lay down and receive)

30 minute Embodiment Practices that can be done from anywhere class monthly (makes it easy for those of you have busy schedules)

Telegram group to play in

Bonus: Extra Classes with Amy ( 3 Days of Dance with the Leprechauns, Spirit Guides Meditation, Somatic Embodiment Classes, Dance with Money) worth $200

You have lifetime access to videos and audios and can watch/listen at any time from your library.

Hi, I’m Amy

When I was learning to live without alcohol in my early 20’s while living in Ireland, I found dancing in nightclubs so uncomfortable being sober, yet I really wanted to dance. I took regular dance classes and could never remember the moves and just felt wrong and bad at it. I started to put music on in my room or in my garden and just moved with complete abandon. I quickly found the power of movement. I later was guided to a practice called 5 Rhythms and that began my journey to accessing the joy and ecstasy of my body through movement without any outside substances.

I moved to Florida, USA and got trained in Ecstatic Kundalini Dance incorporating breath, sound and embodiment practices. I also have over a decade of classes with Access Consciousness, in particular spirit world awareness classes & body classes.

Movement became a powerful tool in moving heavy, stuck trauma from my body and awakening the orgasmic energy of my body and connecting me deeply to Source/Spirit/Universe and all the Spirits of the Earth. I have a lot of training and am always learning more and more about the body and the Universe.

Some things I've studied: Somatic Therapy, Trauma Resolution, EMDR, InnerDance, Sound Healing & Breathwork, Embodied Somatic Movement, Ecstatic Dance, Chakra wisdom & Spirit world awareness. I love to combine energy work, body work, music, sounds and movement for deep healing
and transformation.

Here is what people are saying
 about the dance to oneness membership:

Amy has a very nurturing way of guiding you through the movement. The sound healing sessions relax me completely and I sleep better when I do them. Also in this membership you get very spoiled with gifts from Amy. My mind told me ‘’no we don't want this membership’’, of course it did. Just stay in the comfortable head and don't move. But I've made a commitment to my body. To listen to her asks and what she requires. So we move through the uncomfortable until it's not uncomfortable anymore. It's getting easier. My body has stored all these memories. Now she can heal, we can heal together. To have more ease and more joy. Our bodies are not against us, they tell us things all the time. With this membership I can hear/listen to my body more and have and be more kindness for her. To move the 'right' way for my body and not to focus on what the 'right' way looks like and that's freedom for me.

- Astrid

Join the Waitlist for Movement Membership

Frequently Asked Questions

2024 Amy Shine. All rights reserved.