Hey you!


Have you tried meditating, yoga and all the things YET you are not getting the peace in your mind and joy in your body? Are you tired of forcing your body to do exercise it doesn’t like? Are you anxious, stressed and don’t have the time to do the things you need to do to help yourself? Do you feel like there should be a deeper purpose in your life?




Each month receive new movement & meditation practices to:

Regulate your nervous system & bring peace to your body and mind.

Use movement to release pain & heaviness & transmute this to lightness & energy as you come alive in your body and life.

Clear stuck emotions & old traumas using sound & embodiment practices.

Create a Spiritual Connection and have deeper meaning and guidance in life.

I’m in for ChakraFlow Movement. Click HERE

You’ve tried to meditate but your mind races and you can’t seem to quieten your thoughts.

You’ve don’t have the time for all the healing and spiritual practices in your day and need something that is quick and effective in dropping you out of your busy mind, releasing stress and feeling joy in your body.

No matter what you do, you are still anxious and feel disconnected to the pleasure of your body. You are tired of the physical and/or emotional pain and heaviness you are carrying in your body.

You know you could be accessing something so much more deeper and magical with your body and you are not…

You feel some exercise classes are still not quite allowing your body to come alive in the way you know it could. You are craving freedom.

You are realizing how powerful movement is in not only moving trauma out of your body but also in having increased creativity, sensualness, joy and a spiritual connection.

This is for Women who desire to HAVE:

Pleasure over Pain
Joy over suffering
Creativity over stagnation
Sensualness over shame

The ChakraFlow Movement will cover topics like:

Embodiment practices to shift your energy in just 45 minutes for each energy center (chakra) of the body.

Meditation journey with each chakra and questions to allow deeper insights in just 15 minutes. Audios you can download and listen while on the go.

Chakra wisdom to recognize what is imbalanced in your body and mind & embodiment practices to clear it.

Embodying the power of the FEMININE and transmuting shame to pleasure.

Spirit guidance (when you get out of your head and into your body through movement, you connect with a deeper spirit guidance)



Chakras are energy centers that are connected to your physical body. Illness is created from blocked energy in the energy centers (the chakras) that then manifests in the physical body.


I know you feel heavy and tired and you just want to rest. Have you considered movement WILL give you more energy than sitting in the heaviness you feel.


Studies show movement therapy helps women process and release trauma stored in the body. The American Dance Therapy Association reports that Dance Movement Therapy can reduce PTSD symptoms and help rebuild a sense of safety in one's body.

Chakra Movement teaches you the practices to release trauma through conscious breath and movement and bring you back to safety in your body

Underneath that tiredness & heaviness is SO much ENERGY. When plagued by heaviness or unable to get the energy of fulfillment & purpose in the world, the first thing the Shaman will ask you is “When did you last dance?” when energy becomes stagnant, we struggle.


Yoga and other movement practices are great and required YET they are controlled and structured. Chakra Movement is a practice that releases the control and allows you to access that true ecstasy within YOU.

When you access that ecstasy within your body, you no longer need anything outside of you for that.

What I offer with Chakra Movement is unique. I don’t JUST teach you a movement practice. You learn tools that allow you to master your mind, awaken your body wisdom & ECSTASY & understand your soul purpose while being guided by Spirit/Universe.

I know you are busy, I know you don’t have the time. That’s why I made these classes to be 45 minutes class in this membership. YOU will be so AMAZED to experience how 45 minutes of movement can completely
 transform your body and energy! You also get short audio meditation activations that you can listen on the go from anywhere.

ChakraFlow Movement Details

1 x Live 45 minute Zoom Class a month for each of the 7 Chakras with Embodiment Practices, chakra wisdom & breath work. (Replays of video and audios added to your library if you can’t be on live)

15 minute audio meditation activations for each of the 7 Chakras of your body that can be downloaded and listen on the go from your phone (makes it easy for those of you have busy schedules)

Whats app group to connect with others in community and keep updated on series.

Support in creating a movement and meditation practice that is easy, quick and effective.

You have lifetime access to videos and audios and can watch/listen at any time from your library or download to your computer or phone.



  • Pay in full and receive a BONUS ‘’10 Days of Talking with your Spirit Guides’’ class with Amy Shine.
  • Get instant access to the Chakra Movement library and to the community.
$250 one time payment


$97 a month

  • Pay 3 monthly payments of $97.
  • Get instant access to the Chakra Movement library and to the community.


$97 a month x 3 months

Hi, I’m Amy

I’m an Embodied Movement Facilitator & Energy Healer who loves to inspire others to awaken the joy & sensualness of their bodies. 

I help women release trauma, regulate their nervous systems, and come back to pleasure in their bodies and lives.

I use many modalities & approaches in my practice that include Somatic Movement, Sound Healing & Breathwork, Kundalini Activations, Chakra wisdom, Trauma Resolution, Earth Elementals & Spirit world awareness with over 14 years of experience studying energy, bodies and movement.


Movement became a powerful tool in moving heavy, stuck trauma from my body and awakening the orgasmic energy of my body and connecting me deeply to Source, a divine guidance and all the Spirits of the Earth.

My vision is to live in a world of Oneness where body, mind, spirit and earth are all in harmony and life is a dance. I am author of the book ‘’Dancing with the Fairies’’ and invite you to a world of magic embodied.

If you can move, you can dance. Everyone can move. When you move your body with no judgment, healing happens within you.

I believe that we are all our own greatest healer and our body knows what we need to heal ourselves.

I invite women to the joy of being embodied and the gift movement can be when you move from no judgment. I teach women that movement brings you alive in your body and life. That all the wisdom, creativity, sensualness, joy, inspiration, power is within their bodies and chakra movement is a way to awaken that.


Here is what people are saying
 about Amy’s movement classes:


Amy is a massive energy channeler and healer. She walks you through everything you may be feeling and experiencing. Her eyes never leave the chat box so you know she’s with you. She’s such a gift to consciousness. 

- Ola. K (from Dubai)


The movement classes with Amy are so beautiful! Playful, silky and magical breath work ✨ Thank you Amy! 

- Maaike (from Holland)

I’m in! Sign me for ChakraFlow Movement $250 for 7 months (Plus Bonus ‘’10 Days of Talking with your Spirit Guides)
I’m in! Sign me for ChakraFlow Movement: Monthly Installments: 3 Payments of $97

Frequently Asked Questions

2024 Amy Shine. All rights reserved.